About us - Securities Commission of The Bahamas

Who we are

The Securities Commission of The Bahamas (the Commission), established in 1995, is committed to the growth and development of a vibrant, competitive financial services sector renowned for regulatory excellence. The Commission is responsible for regulating and overseeing investment funds, securities, financial and corporate service providers, digital assets and registered exchanges, carbon credit trading, and the capital markets in The Bahamas. The Commission utilizes market surveillance, regulatory oversight, enforcement of securities laws and its investor education program to protect investors, maintain fair, efficient and transparent markets, and reduce systemic risk.

The Commission closely monitors trends and developments in the global and domestic markets, and interacts regularly with market participants to ensure that its regulatory framework remains agile and robust. We aim to ensure that our regulatory framework is in accordance with international best practices and meets the needs of both domestic and international market intermediaries and the public.

The Commission’s mission, vision and values fundamentally guide the work that we do and how we operate and articulately reflect our purpose and objectives in the financial services industry’s landscape.

Please feel free to peruse the website, or to contact us if you need additional information.


To protect investors and consumers and promote sound regulatory practices in the financial services industry that facilitate sustainable growth and contribute to economic development.


A leading regulator that demonstrates excellence and expertise in the financial services industry, promoting confidence in the financial markets and fostering economic opportunities for the ultimate benefit of the public.


The functions of the Commission are laid out under the various legislations it administers. These include the Securities Industry Act, 2024, the Financial and Corporate Services Act (FCSPA), 2020, the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges (DARE) Act, 2024 and the Carbon Credit Trading Act (CCTA), 2022.

The Commission is established under the Securities Industry Act, and its functions are set out in section 14 as follows:
(1) The Commission shall perform all functions and exercise all powers conferred on it by any law administered by the Commission.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the functions of the Commission are to —

    (a) maintain surveillance over the financial markets and ensure orderly, fair and equitable dealings on these financial markets;
    (b) foster timely, accurate, fair and efficient disclosure of financial and other information to the public and other participants in the financial markets;
    (c) protect the integrity of the financial markets against any abuses arising from financial crime, market misconduct and other unfair and improper practices;
    (d) act as the resolution authority for entities under the jurisdiction of the Commission in the financial markets;
    (e) promote investor education and other conditions that facilitate innovation and development of the financial markets within The Bahamas;
    (f) promote the stability of the financial markets;
    (g) cooperate with and provide assistance to domestic regulatory authorities and overseas regulatory authorities;
    (h) perform any other function conferred or imposed on it by the laws administered by the Commission or by Parliament; and
    (i) advise the Minister on all matters relating to the financial markets under the Commission’s jurisdiction and the participants in those markets.

The specific functions of the Commission as set out in each legislation it administers can be found at the links below:
FCSPA, 2020 (Section 25)
DARE Act, 2024 (Section 5 (1) )
CCTA, 2022 Carbon Credits Trading Act, 2022 (Section 5 (1)


The powers of the Commission are laid out under the various legislations it administers. These include the Securities Industry Act, 2024, the Financial and Corporate Services Act (FCSPA), 2020, the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges (DARE) Act, 2024, and the Carbon Credit Trading Act (CCTA), 2022.

The Commission is established under the Securities Industry Act, and its powers are set out in section 14 as follows:

(3) Without limiting subsection (1), for the for the purpose of the discharge of its functions the Commission has power to —

    (a) regulate and govern the financial markets under its jurisdiction, the provision of services in those financial markets and their participants;
    (b) do all things, and take all actions, which may be necessary or expedient or are incidental to maintaining proper standards of conduct and professionalism in the financial markets;
    (c) deal with such matters as may be referred to it by any person from time to time;
    (d) authorise, regulate and supervise persons subject to licensing, registration or approval under any law administered by the Commission;
    (e) monitor the financial position and solvency of authorised persons and take measures to protect the interests of clients and others where the financial position of any such person is in doubt;
    (f) monitor risks to the financial system and take actions to mitigate and manage any systemic risks within the Commission’s jurisdiction;
    (g) regulate the offering of capital markets instruments to the public, including by public issuers, issuers of digital assets and investment funds and set initial and continuing disclosure requirements for these entities;
    (h) adopt measures to supervise and minimise any conflict of interests that may arise in the case of participants in the financial markets;
    (i) regulate take-over bids and other types of bids;
    (j) supervise financial market participants with respect to compliance with any law administered by the Commission and take enforcement action against any person for failing to comply;
    (k) cooperate with and provide assistance to domestic regulatory authorities and overseas regulatory authorities;
    (l) recommend regulations to the Minister and formulate rules;
    (m) publish notices, guidelines, bulletins, and policies describing the views of the Commission regarding the interpretation, application, or enforcement of any law administered by the Commission;
    (n) make any order which the Commission may make under a law administered by the Commission
    (o) exercise any other power conferred or imposed on it by the laws administered by the Commission or by the Parliament;
    (p) do all things, and take all actions, which may be necessary or expedient or are incidental to the discharge of any function or power given to the Commission under a law administered by the Commission;
    (q) do, in The Bahamas or elsewhere all that is necessary to facilitate, or is incidental or conducive to, the fulfilment of its objectives and performance of its functions under this Act or any law administered by the Commission.

The specific powers of the Commission as set out in each legislation it administers can be found at the links below:
FCSPA, 2020 (Section 26)
DARE Act, 2024 (Section 5 (2) )
CCTA, 2022 Carbon Credits Trading Act, 2022 (Section 5 (2)

General Information
Established: 1995
Establishing Legislation: Securities Board Act, 1995 (repealed and replaced)
Securities Industry Act, 1999 (repealed and replaced)
Securities Industry Act, 2011
Primary Legislation Administered Securities Industry Act, 2024
Investment Funds Act, 2019
Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2020
Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Act, 2024
Carbon Credit Trading Act, 2022
Financial Transactions Reporting Act, 2018
Chairman Hon. Justice K. Neville Adderley (Ret)
Executive Director Ms. Christina R. Rolle
No. of Employees 94 full time at 31 December 2023