Powers - Securities Commission of The Bahamas
Pursuant to the Securities Industry Act, 2011, s. 13, for the purpose of the discharge of its functions the Commission has power, subject to the Act, to:
- regulate and govern the capital markets and its participants.
- deal with such matters as may be referred to it by any person from time to time.
- authorize and regulate registrants, marketplaces, investment fund administrators and other market participants with a view to maintaining proper standards of conduct and professionalism in the capital markets.
- monitor the solvency of regulated persons and take measures to protect the interests of clients and others where the solvency of any such person is in doubt.
- regulate issuers offering their securities to the public, including public issuers and investment funds.
- adopt measures to supervise and minimise any conflict of interests that may arise in the case of market participants.
- regulate take-over bids.
- take enforcement action against any person for failing to comply with securities laws.
- recommend regulations to the Minister and formulate rules.
- publish notices, guidelines, bulletins, and policies describing the views of the Commission regarding the interpretation, application, or enforcement of securities laws.
- make any order which the Commission may make under securities laws; and.
- do all things, and take all actions, which may be necessary or expedient or are incidental to the discharge of any function or power given to the Commission.