Video Competition 2021 - Securities Commission of The Bahamas

Starting Out? Start Right!

Video Competition Guidelines and Conditions

The Securities Commission of The Bahamas (the Commission) is a statutory and regulatory body with oversight of investment funds, securities and the capital markets, financial and corporate service providers and registrable digital asset business in The Bahamas. Among its functions, the Commission is responsible to “promote an understanding by the public of the capital markets and its participants and the benefits, risks and liabilities associated with investing.”

In keeping with its investor education mandate, the Commission is holding a video competition to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and good financial practices for young Bahamians setting off on their financial journey. The video competition will provide Bahamians with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of key financial literacy and investor education concepts, and illustrate how these concepts can be integrated into their lives to achieve financial resiliency and build wealth throughout the various lifecycles.

Meet the judges

Official Rules

Who can enter?

  1. Bahamian citizens/residents 18 years of age or older.
  2. An individual or a group of no more than three individuals.


Under the theme “Starting Out? Start Right!” participants must submit a 2- to 4-minute video that describes what persons aged 18-25 can do to achieve financial resilience and build wealth using any of the financial resilience or investor education concepts supported on the Securities Commission of The Bahamas Investor Education pages online at .

The list below contains examples of topics and concepts that may be used, it is not exhaustive:

  • Why debt management is important.
  • Saving (eg emergency fund) and budgeting.
  • Developing financial plans for the short and long term.
  • How to budget.
  • Why investor education is important.
  • Investing is the path to wealth.
  • Am I ready to invest? Is investing right for me?
  • Avoid frauds and scams.
  • Compounding can be your best friend or your enemy.

Competition Period

  1. Competition period will begin 14 October 2021 and conclude on 30 November 2021.
  2. The submission form and video entry must be submitted by 11:59pm ET on 30 November 2021 to be eligible. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  3. Announcement and notification of winners will be on 15 December 2021.

Video Submission Guidelines

  1. Entries must conform to the Official Rules.
  2. Entrants are to meet the eligibility requirements of the Official Rules at the time the entry is submitted.
  3. There is no entry fee.
  4. Entrants must develop the video’s content in alignment with the video competition’s theme “Starting Out? Start Right!”.
  5. The length of the video should be 2 to 4 minutes.
  6. The title should only contain the name of the video.
  7. Entrants should provide a short written description of the video’s content.
  8. Entries should be appropriate viewing for all ages, at the discretion of the Commission
  9. Entries should be in MP4 or MOV format, filmed in landscaped mode, with a high definitions (HD) resolution of 720p or 1080p and be able to upload on social media platforms.
  10. Entries should be compressed and sent using a file transfer service such as and emailed along with the completed submission form to
  11. Where entries fail to meet the Rules, they will be disqualified.
General Terms and Conditions
  1. Content of the video must comply with the local laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
  2. Short listed entries will become the sole property of the Commission and may be displayed publicly on websites and in any other manner deemed fit for purpose. The entrant, however, retains the right to use his/her material should they choose to do so.
  3. Participation constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to, and acceptance of these Official Rules. By participating in this competition, the entrant is representing and warranting that he/she has read and understood, and agrees to be bound by these Rules.
  4. Staff of the Commission, their immediate family, and immediate family of the judges may not enter the competition.
  5. A video that cannot be used by the Commission, no matter how well crafted, will not be accepted as a “winning” submission.
  6. Entrants assume all liability for any injury or damage caused from participation in the contest.
  7. The Commission will attempt to acknowledge all entries within one week of receipt; however, we are not responsible for entries or responses lost in email.
  8. The Commission has final decision on acceptance of any submissions.
Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria

Entries that meet the submission requirements will be judged. The Commission reserves the right not to select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received. The right to disqualify any entrant or entry is at the sole discretion of the judges.

The judges’ decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

All entries will be judged using the following criteria:

  1. Effectiveness at conveying a key message(s) about investor education that aligns with the competition theme “Starting out? Start right!”
  2. Effectiveness at conveying the investor education/financial resilience messaging available on the SCBs website, social media sites, or in any of its publications.
  3. Effectiveness at creating a video that targets Bahamians aged 18-25
  4. Presentation: video production quality, appeal, creativity
Prizes and Conditions of Acceptance


  1. All entries will be treated equally. Any entry that meets the submission requirements is eligible to win the 1st place, 2nd place or 3rd place prize and the “People’s Choice” prize.
  2. First place winner will be professionally produced.
  3. Winners will be required to provide proof of age and Bahamian residency/citizenship.
  4. By accepting prizes, winners agree to not hold the Commission, sponsors and affiliates responsible for any claims or liabilities arising out of use of any prizes. Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused from use/redemption of prizes.
  5. Prizes will be awarded the week of 17 January 2022.

Prizes are as follows:

      • 1st place - $5000
      • 2nd place - $3000
      • 3rd place - $2000
      • People’s Choice - $1000

People’s Choice

  1. All entries meeting the requirements of these Rules will be eligible for the “People’s Choice” prize.
  2. The entries will be available on the Commission’s Facebook page, Instagram and YouTube channel for public voting at the close of the competition.
  3. Participants can garner support for their videos.
  4. Persons will be allowed to vote for their favourite video for a duration of two weeks from the close of the competition.
  5. The video with the most votes at the end of the voting period will be the winner of the “People’s Choice” prize.