
For the promulgated fees in effect, please refer to the Securities Industry (Fee) Rules, 2024

Summary of Fees for Securities Firms (Registered Pursuant to Part VII)

Category of Registration Application Fee Registration Fee Annual Renewal Fee
(a) Dealing in capital markets instruments $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $16,500.00
(b) Managing capital markets instruments $1,500.00 $12,500.00 $15,000.00
(c) Advising on capital markets instruments $1,500.00 $8,500.00 $11,000.00
(d) Arranging deals in capital markets instruments $1,500.00 $6,250.00 $8,500.00
(e) Persons seeking to register for more than one category under (a)-(d) above $3,125.00 Full fee for function with the highest fee and $4,000.00 for each additional category. Full fee for function with the highest fee and $6,250.00 for each additional category.
(f) Persons seeking to register to deal in CFD $5,000.00 $20,000.00 $45,000.00
(g) Except where exempted or reduced by the Commission, a registered CFD firm shall in addition to paying the annual renewal fee prescribed, pay a quarterly activity fee in accordance with the Commission's current published policy with respect to activity fees.
(h) CFD Supervisory Officer $1,250.00 $3,750.00 $6,250.00

Schedule of pro-rated annual fees

Administrative Fees for Securities Firms

Description Filing Fee
Appointment or change in directors $625.00
Approval of issue, transfer or disposal of shares $625.00
Letters of good standing $500.00
Replacement certificate (per certificate) $500.00
Name change $500.00
Extension to file interim statements for a 1-month period (for a maximum of 2 extension requests) $700.00
Extension to file audited statements for a 6-month period (for a maximum of 2 extension requests) $1,000.00
Surrender of registration certificate $500.00
Application for “exemption” or “waiver” request $500.00
Ongoing Reporting Obligations and Forms

Ongoing Reporting Obligations for Constituents under the SIA, 2011

Fees Pay fee to the Commission on or before January 31st each year Regulation 45
Annual Information Update Form File with the Commission on or before January 31st each year Regulation 45
Form 10 Annual Information Update Form.
Interim Financial Statements
(Financial Operational Reports)
File with the Commission within 30 days of the end of each quarter of fiscal year Section 77 (c)
Regulation 50
Form 13, Schedule 2
Annual Financial Statements File with the Commission by the 120th day after the end of each fiscal year Section 77 (a)
Regulation 49
Form 13, Schedule 2
Annual Report of the Auditor File with the Commission by the 120th day after the end of each fiscal year Section 77(b) [Section 76 (2)(b)] Regulation 49
Form 13, Schedule 2
Any other reports and information File with the Commission upon request Section 77 (d)
Capital Requirements Maintain at all times adequate financial resources as prescribed by the Commission Regulation 42
Indemnity Insurance Maintain at all times appropriate amounts of insurance as required by the Commission Regulation 43
Outsourcing File notification with the Commission prior to the proposed outsourcing arrangement Regulation 44
Notice of Change in Auditor File notice with the Commission within 10 days of change Regulation 15
Form 2, Schedule 2
Issue or transfer of securities (approval required) File written notification no less than 30 days before the proposed transaction Regulation 46 (2)
Form 6, Schedule 2
Notice of change in information – application form File immediate written notice with the Commission Regulations 52/54
Form 5, Schedule 2
Notice of change in information after registration File notice with the Commission within 5 days of the change Regulations 53 (1)/54
Form 5, Schedule 2
Other Material Changes/Information File immediate written notice with the Commission Regulations 53 (2)/54
Form 5, Schedule 2
Transactions affecting financial resources Obtain written consent prior to change from the Commission Regulation 55
Notification of Liquidation Prior approval of the Commission is required Section 73
Regulation 64
Surrender of Registration Application must be made to the Commission Regulation 64
Other Information
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